Celebratory Spritzers for the Holidays


For your holiday gatherings, we’re sharing a selection of Waterloo wine spritzers as a festive and effervescent way to celebrate the season.

Our in-house flavor artists paired Waterloo flavors best suited with popular wines including Sauvignon Blanc, Rose and light- to medium-bodied Red wine varietals – so there’s something for all your favorite guests whatever their preference.

Waterloo Blackberry Lemonade with Sauvignon Blanc wine is nuanced and citrusy! The ripe berry in our Blackberry Lemonade Sparkling Water brings out the fruity notes in the wine, while the dominant citrus in Sauvignon Blanc harmonizes with the lemon.

Our Watermelon Sparkling Water with Sauvignon Blanc wine is light and delightful! Both the Waterloo and the wine offer subtle green notes that play well off each other, while the sweetness of  Waterloo Watermelon Sparkling Water enhances the citrus notes of the wine.

Waterloo Strawberry Sparkling Water with Rose wine is sweet and bright! Our Strawberry Sparkling Water complements the berry and red fruit notes in the wine and lifts the overall profile.

Our Peach Sparkling Water with Rose wine is rich and smooth! Waterloo Peach Sparkling Water enhances the stone fruit nuances and body of the rose, also pairing perfectly with the subtle tannins in the wine.

Waterloo Cranberry Sparkling Water with Red wine like Pinot Noir or Grenache is complex and dark!  Waterloo Cranberry Sparkling Water brings out the deep berry and cherry notes in the wine, while the rich tannins in both enhance the experience.

Our Summer Berry Sparkling Water with Red wine like Syrah or Barbera is complementary and bold! The dark notes in our Summer Berry Sparkling Water marry perfectly with the red wine, lifting the overall profile and adding a touch of sweetness.